Sunday, August 17, 2008

Saddleback Forum with Pastor Rick Warren

Last night Pastor Rick Warren of Sattleback Church in Lake Forest, California, hosted a forum with the Republican and Democrat presidential nominees. If you missed it go to and watch it. I would say that it was the best forum that I have ever watched in my short history of following presidential politics. I'm not the only one, Charles Krauthammer, columnist and foxnews employee, said it was the best in history. Look for this forum to be used in the future as presidential nominees will be happy to participate in it. During the forum and this Sunday morning as I study World History before leaving for church, I have watched morning coverage of the forum and one thing sticks out to me.

Some believe that the questions were centered around John McCain's strengths. The people that I have seen say this have emphasized that they do not think Pastor Warren did this on purpose but that the questions that he cares about centers around conservative principles. In other words it was not a conspiracy but that McCain was in a comfortable environment talking about points that are more comfortable to him than Barack Obama. Some would defend Warren and say that it was fair and balanced and that it was a great forum I do not know what you are talking about. Conservatives will say that for the first time Obama looks weaker than McCain and your just upset so your making that up!

Not me. I agree with the skeptics. The forum was set up in McCain's favor. I believe that it was a conspiracy. But not a conspiracy against Barack Obama or in favor of John McCain. The conspiracy was that the questions centered around WHAT IS IMPORTANT IN A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE! The questions were tough and centered around leadership, experience, wisdom, seeking more wisdom, belief system, world view, whether evil exist and how do you deal with it, philosophies of life. The questions were tough and to the point. And the questions centered around what is most important about an individual to see if he or she are qualified to be President.

If you are upset that the questions centered around McCain's strengths and Obama's weaknesses, then maybe you democrats should think twice before nominating a postmodern, pragmatist, young, inexperienced, far leftist, communist and Marxist sympathizer like Barack Obama. It is that simple. And I am not being a partisan anti-Obama guy. The man has admitted that he hung out with Marxist professors for guidance. A pastor of a church like Saddleback was perfect for asking questions like that because a Pastor is an occupation that requires the same qualities that a president must have. In one word- Leadership. This and the other topics are Barack's weaknesses because Barack Obama is a weak presidential candidate.

P.S. But he looks good and is a great speaker when he delivers a planned speech!


Lady Love said...

I have read your blog before.
So.....I was wondering where you were going with conspiracy thing. But then I read further and I understood what you were getting at & I agree. :) I orginally read about the forum on yahoo, but there wasn't any info as to when it would be held. I was excited to get to learn more about each candidates belief system, specifically Obama's, with all the muslim hate e-mails circulating. I signed up for McCain updates on his website, & friday night I received the e-mail update
with the time, & station of the forum etc...
I mass emailed and texted everyone I thought would care, & most importantly those who are supporting Obama and his so called hope and/or change embodiment(yea right).
I asked my friends in those emails/texts to pray that god would be uplifted. & I myself prayed for the leadership within this forum prior to its airing. What an answer to prayer! Like you said, It was a great moment in history, and an event that I hope will continue. It was great to see the emphasis on god and where each candidate stands on the biblical truths discussed.
I would not say I am extremely political. However, this election has stirred up alot more thought and reflection within myself on the issues that matter most to me. Abortion, is huge to me and Obama's response to that question was a great confirmation to what I had already thought. & that is, that he really doesn't stand for much. My biggest take away from the forum was Rick Warren's opening & closing statement. He said something around the fact that we need to learn to disagree with something or someone without demeaning the other person or thought process. For me this has proved hard. I have really tried to keep an open mind as to other's thoughts etc...I have been in some pretty heated conversations with my best friend and her husband regarding this election and its candidates. I was really struggling with the fact that my best friend and her husband, who I would also consider good friend, had such a vastly differant view on Obama. It was hard not to become angry when I had explained my view point on abortion and what the bible says on it. I also brought up black liberation theology and how Rev. James Cone has said that the trinity church closely matches his teachings of this theology. Which by the way, is a gross manipulation of the bible. Long story short, I feel this forum brought to light my concerns on Obama's faith. Specifically the way he stutered his way through questions about evil etc....

Yes....Obama talked about redemeption, but some of his responses made me question his thought process around the word. You claim to be a christian, but support abortion which has ended the life of 5 million plus since the war on Iraq. Something like 4,000 lives a day. Your a christian, but you attend a church who's pastor, Rev Wright, is a follower of Rev James Cone & black liberation theology.Although this type of church is not a good representation of the average american black church, there is something like 1/3 or less balck churches that have similiar beliefs.

When we talk about putting one race before another.....we have problems. My concern is that soem black americans will trade in there moral beliefs for a black face in office. & that justification is scary. But really how is that differant from a christian who supports the democratic party, and the senseless killing of our children?

just a fews thoughts.........rambling I know..had to get it out in between this and that at work.

Pro life. Voter. Christian. NOBAMA

Jess said...

Thank you for your comment. As you can see, very few comments are on my blogs. But I have noticed the readership going up lately which excites me a bit.

The abortion situation is awful. I don't even know the best approach to deal with it. Obama and most democrats and liberals simply consider a child in the mother's womb as part of her body. Thus their motivation is not to kill a child but they honestly consider it part of a woman's body. So I try to convince people that our arguements are the same in fact. Most people are against Partial-Birth abortion (which is illegal except in extreme cases) because it is killing a child just before birth. The only thing I and them disagree on is that I consider it a child way before they do. Most Pro-Choice supporters believe that pro-life people are against women's rights but when you show them it from that perspective, they will usually at least listen to you.

I speak very harshly of Obama calling him a Communist, Marxist, etc.. Some people think that is because I'm radical conservative or whatever.. I actually consider myself a conservative libertarian. But the fact is that he was a Marxist sympathizer in college as a student and professor. Many of his economic views today have principles of the Marxist ideas which led to Communism. Black Theology also deals with a Communist type ideology. That people are constantly taken advantaged of and workers and minorties are oppressed and so forth and that government must work to prevent that. In later posts I will show other government programs that have hurt the people they intended to help. I have chronicled it before but I believe I will give more examples soon. Obama really has these radical ideas. I hope that by election time people will realize that Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and other past Democrats could not and would not support him.

Thanks again for your comment. I think you will like some of the future blogs when I begin talking about Separation of CHurch and state and our founding and what founding fathers and court cases said about the role of religion and mostly Christianity in our nation.

Lady Love said...

Not a problem..........I enjoyed reading your blogg. I am always open and interested in hearing other view points/opinions. I want to be open minded and make educated full formed decisions & probing others and reading is part of that. I volunteer at a crisis pregnancy center in knox and after having a political discussion with some of the other volunteer's there, I was told by a friend to check out your blogg a few weeks ago. Rachel K., from grace Baptist, said we had similar view points & I might be interested in reading what you had to say. Like I said, I am not a political or history buff, I have just been more interested in informing myself this go around. was pleasure to read your thoughts, which in turn spurred more thought on my end. I definitely will check back in to read more. Hey.......I thought partial birth was legal in some states like GA. Maybe I'm wrong or my terminology is off.

& I saw on cnn that tomorrow night there is going to be an in dept look at each candidate. Each candidate "revealed"....or something along those lines.... I will probably check out

thanks again for the input.I might pick your brain again soon