If your not dead or hate your country to a point that you don't pay a bit attention to our government, then you have probably been hearing a lot about Obama's connection to the Great American William Ayers, The Community Organization of Acorn, and of course this brings back up one of America's great Evangelicals The Reverend Jeremiah Wright.
Ok so Ayers is a terrorist and Wright is a racist, anti-American, Socialist so they are not great people. For you who do not keep up with it closely lets talk about these organizations, people, and the significance of it to the Presidency.
William Ayers was a leader and in fact co-founder of the Weather Underground which was a group of people who became domestic Terrorist and blew things up. Ayers and Obama met early on in his political career about Education reform. Ayers believes that our education system needs to be reformed in a way that students are taught about the evils of Capitalism (which made our nation rich), and to radicalize their thinking to change everything about America. Ayers is a Marxist. Obama met with him about education reform but also to jump start his political career! Ayers is from Illinois and has donated to his election bids early on in his career. Both of them have also served on anti-poverty boards together. This should be a problem for Obama as Ayers is against everything that has made our country so rich and has brought more people out of poverty than any other economic system in history. Ayers is a believer in Communism. Obama has some tendencies to agree with those principles as well. He was a marxist early on in his career. For you who don't know what I mean by marxist, Karl Marx is considered the "father of communism". This is scary to anyone that knows the smallest amount about economics!
Acorn is a community organization that specializes in getting poor and minority families in homes and helps get people registered to vote. Since they deal with mostly inner-city, poor families, this would mean they register likely liberal democrats to vote. They have been known to participate in voter fraud as well. I will not dive into that part of their association that much. But they are a group that also lobbies congressmen to be tough on banks to make loans to poor people. They are a group that supports laws like the Community Reinvestment Act that I mentioned in a past blog, which was the first of government interference in the free market of housing, which has led to this so called "crisis" we have today. The Free market did not cause this, government interference by creating laws that forced banks to make bad loans did. Obama has worked with them closely before. They too are a very radical leftist organization.
These associations bring up other past associations that Obama has had, particularly with his Pastor-Jeremiah Wright. This should not be a surprise to most of you. Obama is a leftist and is one of the most liberal politicians in the country. In fact he is historically a radical leftist himself and only appears slightly more moderate than people like Ayers because he is a great politician. These are important issues that McCain should have been hammering on long ago. But he has to do it in the right way. Don't just attack Obama because he was friendly with an unrepentant terrorist. Explain that his association with him was over his political career, especially in the field of education reform. Then explain the kind of reform that Ayers and thus Obama really want. Obama can't claim that he wants these extreme changes but if McCain makes the obvious connection, he can explain what Obama really wants. Then explain in a savvy fashion the housing crisis and how bad laws led to this. Then explain that as President, these laws would be eliminated and this housing crisis would never happen again.
If McCain does this and hammers it home, he still has a chance to be elected President. He has a lot of things working against him. Obama is a better politician than him, the mainstream media is supportive of Obama, Young people are so perverted in their education about economics and history that they are too ignorant to know better until they are older and enter the real world (this is why so many switch from Democrats to Republicans within ten years upon graduation). Young people are beginning to vote now, this helps Obama. But McCain can hammer this home, demand interviews, show passion, and explain how radical Obama and his friends are. Explain that our founding fathers and even the beloved Democrat- Franklin Roosevelt would never associate with Obama themselves. Our founders would not have allowed him to even participate in the developement of our great nation even. I doubt he will do this. But I'm praying he does!
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Really liked this post! McCain started to touch on this Wed. night on the debate but it just didn't get carried through. Schieffer wasn't allowing it for one thing and did anyone else think Obama sitting there with a smirky grin on his pompous face was just downright cocky? He thinks he has it in the bag and the polls are bad for McCain. Obama is as qualified to be the next president as I am. Obama would not even qualify for a clearance to work at the National Lab, due to his questionable past and associations, but yet this nation wants to give him the keys to the nation and the secrets that go along with it. I mean, let's face it, the highest security clearance anywhere is given to the president of the U.S. but the man couldn't work at the Lab if he wanted to! My dad was a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat so I was raised in it. As a teenager, I began to think for myself and read, read, read and began to see what it was all about, much to my dad's anger. I mean, it was pretty bad at our house at that time. I learned to just keep my mouth shut. He would (and probably still does) vote for a Democrat, no matter if it were Charles Manson running. I am thinking that is the case with alot of Democrats AND Republicans. I hope it is not too late for this country but if people don't WAKE UP and start reading, researching and using their own mind that God gave them, not relying on the news or what hollywood wants or who they like, we are building our own casket. Long rant,all to say, I enjoyed this post. I have been reading this blog for several months, maybe a year.
Thankyou anonymous. If you are really into politics, especially from a conservative point of view, go to Townhall.com and request its newsletter. It is free and you just have to give them your email and they send you an email everyday with the top conservative thinkers and writers in the nation. Read some of Thomas Sowell's most recent stuff on Obama. You should like. He is a Black Conservative and one of the smartest men I have ever read. Thanks for reading I hope you are enjoying.
Obama for President from Nascar Driver. Dalejr. 88
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