Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Why History

Just two days off of Christmas Break and I was almost in a rage at school. It was not as bad as that sounds but something was said that made me angry. I was not mad at a particular student although it was a particular student who said it(one of my good students too). We were discussing life on the frontier for a cowboy when this student spoke up about how he or she will never use this in their life. That is something almost every student says at one point in their life I'm sure I have in fact. But it struck a core with me. Schools today can not force a child to salute the flag during the pledge of allegiance. Many kids today do not care about their country beyond what it does for themselves. Learning history is about having a respect for what has happened to create the country that allows you to live freely and prosper. For that we all use history every day of our lives. So many kids today are being raised to love themselves and what this country can do for them and not what they can do for this country. For that I'm sorry and I'm worried.


Anonymous said...

Jess how do you fell about Barack Obama not soluting the flag?

Jess said...

The truth is I did not mind it. I do not know if it is formal and correct to do so during the National Anthem. It is during the Pledge of Allegience. To be honest I do not usually put my hand over my heart during the National Anthem and there is no one that I know that loves this country more than I do. Of course I always do duing the Pledge. I usually stand with my hands held behind my back to be honest.

As far as Obama... I do not hold it against him I do not think he did that on purpose nor dislikes his country. I have way too many things that I do not like about him and his marxist ideas to even use something like this against him.