Sunday, March 1, 2009

History of Prayer

It is amazing to me when I step back and study the surface of history about how much our forefathers and ancestors used prayer during some of the most important times of our nation's history. George Washington would not have become our first President nor a president at all if he had not survived the escape from New York to Trenton, New Jersey at the beginning of the American Revolution. He thanked God for a so called "Wind Miracle" that he prayed about for allowing this to take place.

When our Constitution was being developed in Philadelphia, Benjamin Franklin asked for everyone to take some time to pray at the convention when it looked like it might collapse. This was not a short pre-meal like prayer but a few days of prayer and worship. He said "Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it."

Just before the single largest ground invasion in our nation's history on foreign soil, Franklin Roosevelt prayed in his radio address for the brave men who were about to land on the beaches of Normandy.

Today in our time of Economic turmoil, our President does not call upon our nation to pray. There are no radio addresses or speeches made in congress to take a few days of prayer for our nation and its leader. There is only call for government to do more to help our economy although it is that same government that has screwed up our economy with bailouts and laws that have promoted and incentivize banks to make bad loans to people who can not pay them back. Instead how about the Church rising and praying that our leaders will get some backbone to stop growing government and instead allow the market(the decisions of thousands of companies and millions of consumers) to put financial institutions out of business who make bad decisions. Stop protecting companies and banks so that they are willing to risk failure knowing that government will help them and then one day they all collapse at once taking us into an economic recession such as we have now that could lead to near depression valleys. I personally do not believe we will see a great depression again because the Great Depression was based on the lively hood of so many people during that time. We are so blessed today with great things that even during the worst of times, people have luxuries that could never be considered depressing.

I'm asking our President Barack Obama to call upon our nation to pray and stop telling me about how the same entity that has nearly destroyed our prosperous economy is going to now fix it. Lets pray that we elect politicians that will stop passing laws in order to impress voters but do things that help our nation in the long run even if it does nothing to get them re-elected in the short run.


Anonymous said...

Great post! True and something I had not really thought of, but what about prayer? Thanks for making me think.

Brad said...

So, if Rush were a praying man, would he be praying for Obama's policies to fail? :-)