Monday, May 18, 2009

The Environment vs Human Life- Victory Environment

Today the Environment just got another big victory over human life as the Obama administration has forced cars to get 42 mpg by 2016. Read this link to learn more:

What most of us do not understand is that cost must be accounted for in any decision we make in life no matter how small a decision. The cost: To get cars that kind of gas mileage will cost businesses money to invest into technology that people do not want. This means less money spent on making cars that people want which means less cars being made and fewer jobs open to people in the car making business. Further, the cost of each car will go up as more money is needed to invest into research for this huge hike in gas mileage. Fewer people can afford a car and thus more jobs loss as demand for cars lessens now with the hike in price.

So Jess... what about lives being lost? What is the easiest way to make a car get better gas mileage? Its simple... make the car weigh less. Use more lighter materials and not the strong metals that make a car more sturdy and thus safer. More plastic that will crush more easily and lead to more deaths on the highway when accidents happen. It is a sad truth that in order for us to stop global warming in which many scientist doubt, and even more scientist who believe in global warming but believe the effects of it are far less harmful than what many environmentalist want us to believe, lives have to be ruined and worse- lost.

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