Monday, August 17, 2009

Taxes on the Wealthy = Taxes on Everyone

Let me assure you I believe that wealthy individuals should pay more taxes in this county than do poor individuals, lower class, middle class, or upper middle class. This would be true under almost any tax system including the Fair Tax, Flat Tax, a progressive income tax, regressive income Tax, etc... But lets keep in mind that politicians love votes and they are going to try and tax the fewest people they can so that those who do not pay taxes are more inclined to vote for them. To operate this huge government that minority of people chosen must be those that those politicians love to declare as "rich". This is possible due to our ignorance of economics in our country. Let me explain or better yet allow Neal Boortz to explain.

The link below is a little longer read than most of my blog entries. I want to assure you that if you read this you will understand in the fullest why raising taxes on the rich is a bad thing especially during a time like this. You will also learn who is truly looked upon as "rich" and will learn that most of those "rich" are in fact not rich. Enough of the amateur...

This Link will give you the real life deal

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