Thursday, December 24, 2009

What a Sad Day

Today the Senate voted 60-39 to pass an overhaul healthcare bill that can and will change healthcare for the worse in our country. This is the first time that such an overhaul has been passed in our nation. Medicare mostly affects older people, Medicaid mostly does poor people, but this will affect us all.

It is sad that the U.S. Legislative Branch can pass such an expensive bill that strengthens the power of government far beyond what the Constitution allows. Now nearly if not more than 70% of what government does in this country is unconstitutional. In other words illegal according to our highest order of law in this country (Constitution). This is a power grab that could put Democrats out of power come mid-term elections. They are hinging their bets on the hope that the population that is helped by this will always vote for them and thus when added with those who are already die hard democrats it could keep them in power for years to come. I'm hoping that an ignorant American population will be more intelligent than I believe and will oust them in less than one year from now.

At a time when Europe is moving towards traditional American ways of life(although a long ways to go) and away from the larger federal government controls of their nations, the United States led by the Obama Administration and his liberal friends are moving America towards what Europe has already discovered to be disasterous.

More details about the bill and what I and others who are far more intelligent than I am later.


Anonymous said...

Jess, what is this bill all about taht I keep hearing about? Kenny

Jess said...

I'll write more about it at a later date pal. HOpe you had a good Christmas

Jess said...

Hey Kenny this bill is a healthcare bill. I have not read the bill Kenny but I plan on doing some reading on it soon. I can say this. Most Democrats object to many of the healthcare ideas that I would propose such as eliminating tax payer healthcare for the elderly and sick and letting each state operate their own universal healtcare system if they would like.

What it amounts to is this bill is expanding the federal governments role in healthcare meaning private companies will have less priority and the government will get even larger. These things also cost more than they usually say and they make things less efficient.

I would propose many private sector policies that beaf up competition and eliminate much of the middle man that makes cost rise. But I will go into more detail later. I am really busy right now in my life. Thanks for keeping up and I will probably see you soon at a Chiefs game.

Jody W said...

I can't believe they dont even have to read the whole bill before they pass it. Unbelievable. Boehner also said that the bill will allow Federal funding for abortion. Which no one really cared to mention. I don't know if you got a chance to watch any of the recent summitt, but if you get a chance could you explain to me why the Obama Administration keeps saying that pooling everyone together and mandating healthcare will make it cheaper?

Jess said...

Their argument is built around the idea that if everyone has healthcare then prevention will cost less than actual healthcare after the fact. In theory that would make sense. Its always cheaper to pay to get your car tuned up than it is to fix it when you never check or change your transmission fluid and then have to replace something expensive as that.

However we always spend other people's money more wrecklessly than we do our own. The statistics that the government will provide will not take into account the waste and the fact that government paid anything is less efficient which will lead to more waste and a lack of personal responsibility by individuals and thus even more waste.

It is sad but in almost every country that has used universal hearlthcare the quality has dropped in almost every area. Most importantly in the invention of new and better drugs. It is sad but these companies working to find cures to cancer will have less incentive to do so under Universal Healthcare. That is why European Countries and Canada do not do near the research that the U.S. does in this field. There is not profit incentive for companies when government pays for hearlthcare.