Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Most of you that would ever read my blog know that I have had a recent transformation.  Physically I am in the best shape of my life since I was probably in my third year in college.  Here is how:

I have lost to this point 84 pounds since around August.  My goal is 100 by August and 110 by September.  To do this I have had to make a ton of changes but those changes were not as hard as many would think.

Nothing is as hard when you have motivation.  I have had a lot of support from new friends and one in particular in the last year.  I love them all so much.  I have been inspired and motivated for many reasons that I will not go into but the reality is just as my brother Brad Raby mentioned in church a couple weekends ago, motivation is so important.  You who want to and are trying to lose weight... find friends and close love ones that will hold you accountable.  And not just other people who need to lose weight as well.  But others who are already fit.  Others who are experienced and already know how to do it.  And make sure they are people that don't let you slack off much.  In other words family might not be best.  Even old friends are not best.  new friends.  Friends you really like and want to impress and know that will hold you accountable.

Start off knowing that it will be hard for the first month but that if you stick to it for a month it will get easier thereafter.  All things are harder at first.  But if you do the right thing you will add motivation along the way.  I noticed my body changing after a month and that added motivation.  After two months change was obvious and after 3 or 4 people around me started to ask.  And as obvious from a recent picture that I have posted change has really taken place the last couple of months.

Don't change your diet change your lifestyle.  Diets die out.  You need to count calories.  More out than in.  Scientifically figure out how many calories you can have a day and go with that.  Don't try to cut out certain foods.  Cut down calories that will help you decide what to cut out.  What you value.  The reality is that I enjoy fun from time to time.  I cut out soft drinks.. Not because of the sugar but because I value other foods more.  I still eat desserts but I eat a certain quantity and do not over eat as often.  I eat a better breakfast to save calories for later in the day.  I eat slower during the day so that I feel more full and have calories left over for the evening.  I use my phone app to count calories.  It works wonders

Mix up your workouts.  I started off riding my indoor bike.  Its funny I would ride my bike and after so many calories I would allow myself to read a Tennessee Sports article on Govols247 a recruiting and tennessee sports site that I am a member of.  From there I went to walking and some p90x.  Then I started kickboxing locally at a great place.  Now I am part of a gym where I run on the treadmill and lift weights.  I have a local neighborhood I run at and when I want to run longer distances that are flat I do so on a big road that has a good sidewalk.  The point is I don't bore myself.  Mix it up a bit.  Muscle confusion.

Most important of all these is the first.  I have had support from my family but I'm not around my family.  I have some close people to me here in Crossville that have really helped me.  I cherish this help.  Without it I would not have done this and would not continue to do it.  Find some accountability partners guys find some people to do this with you.  Find some motivation!  That's what people need.

Thanks to all who have helped.  You know who you are... Love you!!

PS This will continue... Live Long

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check out Nat King Cole's "People"

Uncle Lyle