Thursday, July 23, 2009

Most important part of healthcare in this blog

In the past I have written blogs about our healthcare system while also laying out some alternatives that I believe would make our system cheaper, more efficient, and more productive. Yet last night I believe I had a revelation on why so few have embraced a conservative libertarian view of healthcare while that view has so helped America be prosperous in other economic activity throughout Her history. I will now attempt to explain this revelation:

Barack Obama used the example of a child having Leukemia and not having the insurance to pay for the proper procedures in dealing with this awful disease. Besides the fact that an emergency room is not allowed to turn away any emergency in this country it is true that without proper insurance people will not have available to them some of the procedures that can save a person's life. It is an emotional situation to say the least. Economics is not about emotion or compassion but the study of the efficient allocation of scarce resources which have alternative uses. In other words, it studies the best way to make available to the most people resources that are valuable to human beings. Does this mean all resources? No but the study of the BEST way of allocating these resources. While some still will not have access to those benefits.. it guarantees that MORE people will have it with correct economic decisions than do under other ways of making those decisions such as using Obama's plan-GOVERNMENT to allocate those resources.

There will always be stories of those who are not helped by this system but it is impossible to count the amount of people who would be affected under a system that we don't currently use. That is unless we study the systems of other countries. Far more people do not have access to basic services and extreme procedures in countries where the government to whatever extent runs the healthcare system. But I have seen conservatives use this argument before and yet it seems to not work. So last night this revelation appeared to me. Our lack of history knowledge does not allow Americans to be happy with the advances our society has made. Who cares that 100 years or 50 and in some cases just a couple decades ago these procedures that are available now were not even known of then. But yet today we expect every human to have a right to those procedures. The problem with people having a right to anything is that it takes away the profit motive of developing newer and better procedures. This is why the United States invents over 85% of all new medicines and procedures. Our companies have a profit motive to make better things and more efficient. In other government ran places those motives do not exist. Today we want more and more and more and to a point that a very good politician can make speeches and possible persuade us into believing that government can do a better job. But in countries where government does this there is not innovation motive.

As sad as it is that some people do not have healthcare and that costs are rising and hurting people. Our system while having many problems is the only reason that these current procedures that some people can not get... are available to begin with. When will conservatives rise up and explain to people that there are other ways to help these people and that destroying the system that has created these wonderful things is not the correct way.


Anonymous said...

Jess, Where is all that change obama said was coming? get back with me on that thank you kenny.

Jess said...

Kenny my favorite student... Well lots of change has come. The Government's power over your life is expanding through ownership of much of the financial sector and Car manufacturing. Now they want healthcare.

What you might have been looking for was for your life to be improved by this change. That is totally different. I don't believe this is good change personally because I love individual liberty with very little government involvement with my life. I like personal choice and the consquences of those choices. I like markets more than government making decisions. Markets = hundreds of millions in America and billions around the world demanding goods and others supplying what they want. That is much better than government officials deciding what is fair and not in my opinion.

Hope your having a great summer!