Thursday, July 9, 2009

I can get everyone a job that wants one... just read and find out

Here is my recommendation for creating a job for every single American that wants a job. Actually I have several options. Congress should pass a law outlawing all machine use. That way to make up for what machines do, people will be needed. Here is another one. Lets just bring back the draft and draft everyone that does not have a job and force them to serve in the military whether they are all needed or not. Or better yet not to put them in danger (plus I'd rather many people who are jobless not to be in our wonderful military) we can simply have the government pay for people to do what my dad use to warn he would have me do if I was a smart-elic to my mother... We could pay people to dig holes and then re-fill them in.

You might think I'm an idiot but I'm really not. I'm just acting like the Obama administration. You say how? There are two ways government can get GDP to rise and thus create jobs according to basic economic text books. We can increase government spending or lower taxes. Now all your basic economic books will tell you that government spending will raise GDP faster than lowering taxes because a percentage of that tax break will be saved by the American individual getting the tax break thus not being used in our economy. This while every dollar of the government spending will be spent in the economy. There is only one problem...

How do we know if government is spending money on things that Americans want and need? Government might build a bridge and put hundreds to work but if that bridge is going to be used by 100 people a day and employ lets say 100 people to build, it might not be worth the cost of 200 million dollars to build that bridge. That means 2 million dollars was spent on each job. Is that really helping the economy other than those 100 people? Government can spend money and create "Green" jobs but if those jobs are not efficient jobs that help create "WEALTH" then it is a waste of resources.

Do you trust millions of Americans who know exactly what they need to improve their lives using their money the way they want to. Or do you trust some government official or "czar" spending that money on what he or she thinks the economy needs? A supermarket has 60,000 items in it that tens of millions of people had a part in getting there when you take into account every single job that is needed to get those items to the store. Do you think a government official could run our supermarkets? It would be impossible for one individual or a group of government officials to have all the information needed to do so.

I would much rather spend my own money!


Anonymous said...

Hey Jess,
Can you explain this cap and trade bill in layman's easy to understand terms? (I may have misspelled that but I'm sure you know what I mean, it's all over the news.)

Jess said...

Cap and trade simply means that there is a cap for how much CO2 emissions that a company can be allowed to emit into the environment. Politicians can decide what companies have to abide by this law. They can put it on all companies or companies that say... are not in mostly democratic "blue" states that way not to anger those companies that vote for them. Now if a company that pollutes a lot (and some believe that this polution which is CO2 emissions is dangerous to the environment) has this cap and cannot lower their emissions and still produce their product.. say coal, plastic, cars, etc... then they would have to trade for or buy emissions credits from other companies who could abide by the amount.

IE: Company A produces something that pollutes a lot and is granted 100 emission credits but cannot continue to meet the publics demand for their good witout going over the 100 credits worth of emissions. Company B is able to reduce emissions and has 20 credits left over and company C the same. Company A would then have to buy those credits from those companies or from the government for their over usage.

Companies in the long run will not truly pay for those extra credits they need. They will simply pass the extra price on to the person that buys their products (the consumer) That is why many such as myself call it a Cap and "Tax" bill because the consumer will simply pay higher prices that will go to the government.

Hope that helps... If this passes and politicians make it fairly strict rules. Your electric bill could rise a lot. I would predict by more than 100% fairly soon. But not just that... This bill would effect almost everything you do in life because energy producing companies are the ones that pollute the most. And America uses a ton of energy.

Whether CO2 which is Carbon Dioxide actually causes the earth to warm (Global Warming) is another debate we can have later. I will say this. Currently the Oceans produce over 95% of all CO2 gases. Humans and animals produce the other 5%. So what kind of impact do you think humans really have???