Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Lies about our military coming from liberals!!!

I have never been angrier in my life! As you know if you read many of my blogs, I hate the mainstream media and I hate people like John Edwards who criminalize the American way of life while living off its benefits.

The New York Times has recently released a column that says combat veterans in Iraq and Afghanistan are committing murders in the U.S.A. at "alarming rates". Also, John Edwards has been campaigning that 200,000 American Veterans are homeless and sleeping under bridges and on benches in parks, and insinuates that it is the fault of the economy and our capitalistic system that led to this. Lets look at some facts:

90% of people, both regular civilians and military veterans, who are homeless, are homeless because of their addiction to alcohol or drugs and also mental illnesses that might exist. Most is substance abuse. There is little if any differences in the rates among veterans and ordinary civilians. Furthermore, he implies, as I have already mentioned, that it is the economic system of America (Capitalism) that has caused this. That is a lie. It is substance abuse and mental illnesses that cause it. That is an INDIVIDUAL problem not an economic problem. The Democrats and notably Edwards do not want to admit that it is INDIVIDUAL choices that are causing these problems not our way of life in America! This bothers me because he is using this for political gain and is lying to the American people who are ignorant enough to fall for his lies! For the record, if the American Government would stop throwing money at every issue in our country instead of making individuals take responsibility, then the government could spend more resources on taking care of our military personal who might battle with mental issues when he or she returns from war.

The NY Times ran a story claiming that veterans are committing murder at alarming rates. Let us look at the facts. Most murders are committed by people 18-34 according to the Dept of Justice. Veterans become murderers at a rate of 7 per 100,000. Ordinary Civilians- 40 murderers per 100,000! Not only is the NY Times dishonest. But the opposite is in fact true. Veterans murder at a lower rate than ordinary civilians. This sheds light on the fact that mental illnesses caused from trauma such as a war do not affect veterans anymore than ordinary humans. This is contrary to what Edwards would want you to believe.

The NY Times is writing this because of a lack of front page coverage of bombs going off in Iraq. This is due in large part to the fact that bombs are not going off in Iraq like they use to before the change in strategy. Thus they must show that the Iraq war is now destroying our military soldier's lives when they return home! I'm pissed! Do not use my heroes for anti-Bush propaganda especially when the news is full of lies!


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