Saturday, October 31, 2009

Zero-Sum Equations

Mathematics is simple- 5+3=8, Also if you have 5 blocks here, and move three of them over there, you only have 2 left here. Zero-Sum Games are easy to understand. If you use something to work on this, that means you do not have it to work on something else. That much is simple. In economics everything is a bit more complicated because economics uses things to produce wealth. So if you spend money on this it is true that you do not have that money to spend on something else but it is also true that if you spend money on something productive than wealth is created and thus everyone benefits in society.

The Obama administration wants to talk about jobs saved or created from the stimulus package that will eventually spend over $700,000,000,000 on different projects around the nation. I wanted to write out the zeroes so you understand just how big that number is. It is true that jobs are created when that money is spent. I do not like it when conservatives on FOX NEWS or anywhere else talk about how you cannot prove that jobs were saved or exactly how many jobs were created... blah blah blah... It is true that there is no way to determine how many jobs were saved due to a stimulus package. It is also true that a President will exaggerate numbers to make his projects look better than they are. That is a story that needs to be discussed. But it is also true that jobs are created and saved...But that is beside the is not the best argument against a stimulus package or government spending money.

The government has nothing to spend unless it takes if from citizens of this country or people visiting this country. Thus $700,000,000,000 that the government spends is $700,000,000,000 less money that humans can spend for themselves. So the simple argument that we good Conservatives use should be this: Did Obama and his administration including the politicians in Washington both Democrat and Republican spend that money as wisely as we would have? That is the most important question. Instead of taxing us or going into more debt to pay for such a stimulus package could they have simply cut spending and given us the tax break so that we could have spent the money somewhere. In more simpler and straight terms... are they smarter than you and I are with out money? Can they spend your money more wisely than you can spend your own? Conservatives should make it personal in your debate!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Encouragement... I think from God

Last night I went to Sequoyah High School to watch a football game in which Sequoyah was having homecoming. I was asked to go in fact here on this blog by a former student of mine... Kenny. Kenny won Homecoming King and was so excited and I too for him. I love that kid I really do. Kenny is a very hyper kid who sometimes loses control of his emotions but inside he is precious and so are many of his friends who allow him to enjoy life about as much as anyone you will ever meet. It was truly a great night for him but more so for me.

Sequoyah is the school I worked at last year that chose not to rehire me for unknown reasons. In truth I got fired but in the teaching profession they only call it "firing" if your are forced out during the school year or after you have been teaching into your fourth year. So lets call it what it was... I was fired!

During the day Friday I took something to the principal there to give my former basketball boss. When I walked into his office the Associate Principal was there and she stood up and gave me a hug. I left and walked into the guidance office to visit someone and one of the guidance counselors stood up and gave me a big hug and talked to me about what I had been up to. She said they had missed me. I went to the game that night but before getting to it went into one of the secretary's houses who's son is a friend of mine... she too gave me a hug. When going to the game I had two parents come up to me and tell me how mad they were about me not being brought back and how they thought I did a good job and I'm better for it not being there. I had students and other parents come up and hug me and tell me they miss me. Some of the students, students who are not the "cool loving" students meaning students who are in school for the main reason of getting an educating and advancing their lives and liking teacher who teach them and are not just nice, funny, cool or whatever came up and said they really missed my class and now that they have new teachers talk about how my class truly was a great class. Two fellow teachers who might have not come to the game due to weather and hunting came I believe in large part to visit and see me because they knew I was going to be there. I know for sure one went for that reason.

This weekend was a weekend of great encouragement. It reminded me of why I still go back there and visit from time to time despite not being rehired by the central office. It reminds me of why I went into teaching. For the students and teachers who are around me. You don't teach mainly for money and I don't work for the central office people making the decisions without the best intentions all the time. I work for students and good parents who care about their kids. I love those people I really do. I miss them and wish I was still there. But things happen for a reason and I love where I am. Although I'm not a full time teacher I still like it and I love being a head coach and I like the people I'm working with and for. I have had a really tough few months and I am not back to where I was before I lost my job. But I'm well on my way. It was only a few weeks ago that I was afraid I would not be back on my way for a long time maybe years and to be honest the end of my worries were no where in sight. But God works in funny ways. And the great thing is I did not even deserve it. I really don't. I'm not in the best place in my life now and need a lot of work spiritually with my faith being weakened and in many other ways. But this was one giant step forward.

Thank you Sequoyah and thank you God.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Some facts are irrelevant

Unfortunately a population that is ignorant on so many issues (myself included) are led to believe that certain facts mean there is a problem that needs to be addressed. Japanese people live longer than Americans and thus they must have better healthcare... That would make sense to some people but that statistic alone proves only one thing... they live longer... it does not answer why. Most experts today say it is their diet. In fact many in Japan are changing their diet to a more western approach and some in Japan are worried that there will be health problems arising from this change. It has nothing to do with Healthcare. A separate argument can be made about diets in that some in the west would rather eat comfortably like we do and live till 70 than eat like Japanese do and live till 85.

Black Americans have a higher rates of miscarriage than do whites. Blacks have less healthcare and that is why. Would this be true? Well if it is how do you explain that Mexican Americans have a lower rate of miscarriage than do whites and have less healthcare than even Blacks?

The life expectancy in Europe is longer than in America and they have government provided Universal Healthcare does this mean America should switch? Americans drive far more than Europeans this could cause that life expectancy to be much lower since we have far higher rates of death during travel. Also they walk more and thus are probably in better shape than we are so thus live longer. It is hard to judge where healthcare really causes people to live longer.

The best measure I know is where do people around the world try to get their operations done? Where are by far most medicines invented? Where are waiting times shorter? Who has the highest rated doctors? America. America. America. America. There are serious problems but lets make sure we don't allow politicians and media outlets use facts to distort the truth despite telling a truth.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Loud Voices

If conservatives have a biggest weakness it is the lack of ability to express their ideas in interesting, ecstatic, easily understood fashion. Maybe conservatives do not care about their cause as much as Liberals. Maybe they are afraid to offend someone. This isn't just about politics either.

I had no intention of writing a blog entry this evening but as I was checking up on my fantasy football team I noticed a column that was written by Chris Mortensen of ESPN that the NFL players union president had either written a letter or personally spoken to the NFL commissioner about not allowing Rush Limbaugh to become an owner in the NFL. This enraged me but not in the obvious way. It reminded me of so much more. If a liberal radio host who has said 10 times as many controversial things that were 10 times as controversial, would a conservative speak up and express their dislike of the idea of that person becoming an owner. Sure I would not speak up on this issue because it does not matter what the owner's politics are. But it still brings up a good point. I do not know if the protest will carry any weight in the decision process. But it definitely could. And if the bids are equal and there was a toss up it might pressure the Rams into being sold to a different buyer.

I was not rehired at my job last year. I loved my job and the people I worked with. They did not have to give me a reason for not rehiring me. It has been a really tough 5 1/2 months for me. I had the fewest number of kids and lowest percentage of kids fail the End of Course standardized test that high school history students in Tennessee take. I believe I had the most students who had Special Individual programs as well meaning I had some tough classes to teach. This is something I take pride in because I considered the Social Studies department at my school to have been a really good department with mostly really good teachers. Our basketball team doubled our wins that year despite losing the best player on the team from the previous year. I had high ranking people in the school that supported me including my mentors and in essence the leaders in my department and athletic department. My head coaches supported me too. Yet I was not retained to teach or coach. Most believe there were some complaints from parents. There were alot of parents that supported me. I found that out later. Some spoke up after news got out that I was not going to be brought back. But from what I have been told the other parents had been louder longer. No doubt I made mistakes everyone does. but I deserved to have been rehired. I was usually the first to get to school and in many cases one of the last to leave because I was a coach in basketball and baseball. I am not angry with the school and am happy coaching at another school today. But if those wonderful supporting parents called to express support all year this would never happen to many teachers in our country. Think about it though, how often do you call or write a letter to someone about a great job being done in any aspect of life? How often to you speak up when something is done that you hate? The loudest voices in many of our churches are keeping progress from happening. There are people I know that want some changes at local organizations in which many people are upset and for good reason but they refuse to speak up and they say it is because "it won't help."

Unfortunately good parents and decent people rarely speak up being afraid of offending someone or not believing it will change anything. How much more would get done in this world if the right people spoke up. Recently it has worked on Healthcare. Maybe we should learn from that and speak up with loud voices.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Rush Limbaugh

I have never written about Rush Limbaugh in any of my blogs and I don't ever remember even mentioning him in a blog. Recently Rush has teamed up with another very rich man to buy the St. Louis Rams football team. Rush grew up I believe in Kansas City where he also got his start as a radio personality. Rush Limbaugh is the most listened to radio host in the history of radio. He has between 15-20 million listeners each week which is incredible. I am not going to talk much about my personal like of Rush Limbaugh. Most who read this know me and know where I stand on him. But I also love Pardon the Interruption on ESPN but recently Michael Wilbon has really disturbed me with what I consider a reconsideration of an opinion when one NFL player of the NY Giants came out against Rush Limbaugh. Originally Wilbon was seemed excited about the prospects of Rush and even said that most of his opinions are probably shared by other owners. Then after this player spoke up the very next day his tone changed and he seemed as if he hated Rush.

I would like to first hear from that player of the Giants how many times he has actually listened to Rush Limbaugh. I don't mean hear a 20 second clip that is shown on MSNBC or some TV talk show or overhear some other players talk about him. How many times has he actually sat down and listened to Rush on radio? I doubt very much maybe never. How does he know what Rush Limbaugh thinks about him or other Black people. I have never heard Rush say anything that should be offensive to all Black people in the nation. He has said some things about certain cultures of certain Black communities but he has also said things about White cultures in different places, and about different races around the world. Walter Williams fills in and hosts his radio show sometimes when Rush is out and unable to do so. Walter Williams is a Black college professor at George Mason University. If Rush was racist or a "bigot" as Wilbon said would a Black person fill in for him? I doubt it unless that person hated himself and his race.

It is unfortunate that ONLY Liberals are those who are considered so pro-Black or African American in this country. Rush Limbaugh denounces policies that have destroyed many families including many Black families because many government policies were designed to help inner-city families mostly Black families. Read my past blog entries on Rent Control and you will see where well intended policies passed by politicians that Michael Wilbon would never call a bigot and would probably like, have in fact destroyed many black families by in forcing them to move due to a lack of low cost housing being developed. It is unfortunate that on many college campuses well qualified Black Students are looked down upon because of the stereotype that is in place due to government laws such as Affirmative Action that allows many unqualified people (in many cases minorities) to go to colleges they would not be able to get into without the law. Then almost all Black students are effected despite many being just as qualified or even more qualified than the White student looking down upon them.

If Rush had his way many of these unfortunate stories would not exist. Taxes would be much lower and more low income people would have jobs. I hate it when people redicule someone even though they have never actually listened to the man talk. And I guarantee you that if you were on the air 15 hours a week for over 20 years... you would have at one point accidentally said something that might not sound polite and worse yet... you might not actually believe. But should you be hated for the rest of your life for it?

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Some Bad Luck

I believe luck is where preparation meets opportunity. Good luck happens to those who prepare and eventually have opportunity to have good luck. Lets look at some of the bad luck in recent years for the Tennessee Vols Football Team. Take a look at the recruiting classes that Tennessee has signed in recent years. Go back some four years and take a look at the recruits.

I hear this talk about Fulmer not leaving Kiffin with a lot of talent but then you look at our recruiting classes and you would believe that we would have a top ten team. Take a look at the names and the rankings on Look at all the 5-star athletes that have not panned out and the 4-star players that can't get on the field. It would appear that Tennessee has had some really bad luck recently. Fulmer has signed people like Chris Donald and Brent Vinson and Walter Fisher and remember that short stunt with Kevin Oneal the JUCO WR? He was suppose to be a stud. These guys were 5-star athletes that never panned out. Is that bad luck? What about Crompton who was nearly a 5-star QB, much higher raking than Erik Ainge was out of high school and yet despite the hatred of Ainge by some of my friends out there... who would not fast for a week to have him back leading the Offense of Tennessee. So many players have not become what we thought they would be. It hurts me so much I love Tennessee Football.

Could any other preparation taken place to change this? If we had those players pan out and the other 4-star Offensive Lineman we signed when Jacques McClendon was signed become as good as he has would we not be a top 10 team? Its a thought. Does this happen to all colleges? I think. SO how do you prepare for that? Anyone who has any ideas please comment. I think Kiffin's staff is doing the one thing you can do. Sign as many studs as possible and hope some pan out. That is why they are signing so many people in the same position. Hoping that if some do not pan out... maybe others will.

I was bored and decided to write something that was not about the most interesting subject in the world.... Economics... Just kidding