Mathematics is simple- 5+3=8, Also if you have 5 blocks here, and move three of them over there, you only have 2 left here. Zero-Sum Games are easy to understand. If you use something to work on this, that means you do not have it to work on something else. That much is simple. In economics everything is a bit more complicated because economics uses things to produce wealth. So if you spend money on this it is true that you do not have that money to spend on something else but it is also true that if you spend money on something productive than wealth is created and thus everyone benefits in society.
The Obama administration wants to talk about jobs saved or created from the stimulus package that will eventually spend over $700,000,000,000 on different projects around the nation. I wanted to write out the zeroes so you understand just how big that number is. It is true that jobs are created when that money is spent. I do not like it when conservatives on FOX NEWS or anywhere else talk about how you cannot prove that jobs were saved or exactly how many jobs were created... blah blah blah... It is true that there is no way to determine how many jobs were saved due to a stimulus package. It is also true that a President will exaggerate numbers to make his projects look better than they are. That is a story that needs to be discussed. But it is also true that jobs are created and saved...But that is beside the is not the best argument against a stimulus package or government spending money.
The government has nothing to spend unless it takes if from citizens of this country or people visiting this country. Thus $700,000,000,000 that the government spends is $700,000,000,000 less money that humans can spend for themselves. So the simple argument that we good Conservatives use should be this: Did Obama and his administration including the politicians in Washington both Democrat and Republican spend that money as wisely as we would have? That is the most important question. Instead of taxing us or going into more debt to pay for such a stimulus package could they have simply cut spending and given us the tax break so that we could have spent the money somewhere. In more simpler and straight terms... are they smarter than you and I are with out money? Can they spend your money more wisely than you can spend your own? Conservatives should make it personal in your debate!
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Jess, THis is Triple KKK. KIng Kenny Keller. How come that we got to pay Government Taxes? I just don't see no point in it. Becouse The Government is already rich enough. WE the people elected them in there. If that that was so than I should be getting money at SQHS for being the king. You can get back to me on that. Talk to you later Jess.
Governments are created to protect people's rights. Don't be confused with creating or giving rights to people our founding fathers believed our rights came only from God. But government does protect our rights. To do this government has to get money from its citizens. They do this if the form of taxes. Taxes and government is a necessity and thus taxes are. But today about 65% of what the government is not allowed in the Constitution. Thus it could be safe to say that taxes are at least 65% too high. But Taxes are a necessity and government would have no money without taxes.
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